Who’s Behind Bull Training?

Have you observed that those who could benefit the most receive the least assistance, while those who require less receive a surplus of guidance?

Desire and commitment go a long way; had I listened to my critics I would have never seen my dream come to pass. From Flint, Mi all we know is go get it. It was basketball for me, I've always felt so much freedom in this game with just enough structure. Even back in the late 90s, and early 00s, I believe the game was positionless. Unlike most sports, in basketball, you must have skills in every aspect of the game.

So why am I transitioning from playing to coaching?

To help bridge the gap, the old-school principle mixed with modern sport science is Bull Training. From being unable to shoot the basketball to being a game-ready shooter, with a football-built body that's able to move like a cat on the court. That all came about through decades of unwavering and consistent training.

Then I reverse-engineered the process by obtaining my certifications from; the National Strength and Conditioning Association as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, a Nutrition Specialist cert from Health and Exercise Works, and became a BioForce Certified Conditioning Coach.

Yes, I have a way of going about things but I also know there are many ways to get things done. My service to you is to find the best methods for your specific desired outcome, then craft the most efficient and effective path toward that mark.

For more insight into my playing career, you can click this sentence.