J Bull J Bull

5 Best Strength Training Exercises for Basketball Players

Discover the top 5 strength training exercises every basketball player needs to incorporate into their routine. Enhance your performance, speed, and overall health on the court. Learn proper form, technique, and valuable tips for maximizing your strength training sessions. Read now for a powerful basketball fitness guide.

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J Bull J Bull

Unleashing Your Potential: The Power of Strength Training for Basketball Players

Explore the importance of strength training for basketball players and discover the benefits it brings, including injury prevention, improved performance, and enhanced physicality on the court. Learn about various types of exercises, from plyometrics to Olympic lifts, that can help you unlock your full potential in the game of basketball. Elevate your skills and dominate the court with the power of strength training.

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J Bull J Bull

Knee Valgus: A Common Enemy for Athletes, and How to Defeat It

Fixing Knee Valgus: Tips for Basketball and Everyday Athletes

Learn how to fix knee valgus and prevent knee injuries with these tips for basketball and everyday athletes. Strengthen your glutes, improve hip mobility, and focus on proper form to keep your knees healthy and strong.

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J Bull J Bull

Basketball Slight Edge

I want to briefly update you about the project I’ll be working on for the next few weeks. It will take most of my resources so I’ll have to pause the Monday blogs for now. However, if you have the time please get in touch with me via email or Facebook to let me know your thought about the blog and/or, the upcoming project “ The Basketball Slight Edge” program. To help anyone become a better athlete, tap into your full potential in a practical approach.

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J Bull J Bull

70% Mental, 20% Skill, and 10% Chance

Mostly everything boils down to the mental aspect of things. Some people think positive thinking is BS; it is all about the data, the evidence that proves things can happen. I’m all about the good vibes and keeping the positivity rolling. No, not the rosy, nothing bad ever happens, though I did go through a phase like that. I figured no one cares about my problems and those that do are happy I have them. Smile, and keep it pushing, but what was that doing to my mental state?

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J Bull J Bull

The Main Differences, Stiff-Legged Deadlift VS. Deadlift

Shortly, I’ll go over some of the main differences between these two movements, which are posterior closed-chain exercises. That’s just science’s way of saying, exercises that work the back part of your body. Primarily the hamstrings, glutes, and back. Now I understand that if you are truly starting from zero, we would not immediately begin with the barbell. We have a few different ways to regress and progress these movements, yet the main technical points will remain constant.

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J Bull J Bull

Lose Weight, Gain Strength, and Improve Your Posture

What’s up J’Nathan Bullock here from bulltraining.online, and I want to reiterate last week's post with the following keys to remember and help you improve. We went over the deadlift in a more practical sense breaking down the techniques from start to finish. As the title mentions, this single movement is the building block to achieving weight loss and gaining strength all while improving your posture.

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J Bull J Bull

Bend Over To The Floor and Deadlift

Want a better posture, deadlift. Want a stronger core and core stability, deadlift. Want to train almost every leg muscle with one exercise, then you’ve guessed it, deadlift. Now, this movement isn’t typically for beginners due to its technique demands. However, it isn’t far-fetched for a beginner, to quickly become proficient at this gem. Most fitness coaches will stress the importance of proper technique as a way to prevent injuries. Not to sound like a broken record or some fitness junkie parrot but we don’t want you on the bench with an injury.

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J Bull J Bull

Is the Food you’re Eating, Negatively Affecting your Sleep?

We’ve learned that nutrition is key to a healthy lifestyle. Whether or not we add in daily exercising when, what, and how much we eat can affect our sleep. Food and sleep work together as one affects the other and vice versa. Poor sleep= poor food choices and poor food choices can = poor sleep.

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J Bull J Bull

3 Ways to Hack Starting a New Routine  

Have a plan, wait, have a plan? Before you bounce, that is not the first hack, but it is the traditional habit-starting method. It has been around for ages for a reason, so it must have some validity. Now, how many times have you had a plan and failed to execute that plan? Trust me, it is no judgment here; the reason I’m writing this post is, yup you guessed it, been there done that. From writing your goals on paper because it's x amount times more likely to happen. To the laws of attraction to praying to scratch-off lottery tickets and finger crossing.

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J Bull J Bull

What Is High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)?

HIIT is the wave but are you really performing a HIIT session or is it some other form of training? Today we give a brief overview of how to know if you're exactly doing a HIIT workout and who should be using this method of training. Feel free to check out another post, leave a comment, and get in touch! Stop by anytime and be on the lookout for the next post. Want you to read about something else?

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J Bull J Bull

Not the Easiest One

Calisthenics can be traced back to ancient times as a way to maintain and develop strength. It will remain a popular option due to the large part that the equipment requirements are relatively low. Most neighborhoods have a local park available with plenty of equipment to utilize for a fitness fix. In short, calisthenics is the term used to reference all bodyweight exercises. When you go for a jog, you are performing calisthenics.

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J Bull J Bull

Quick and Easy Cardio Workout

Short and straight to the point Jump rope. Did you know, with jumping rope, you burn more calories than running, biking, swimming, and rowing? I understand skipping rope is not for everyone but with practice, you can master this simple exercise. To brag, Jumping rope at a moderate pace burns approximately 15-20 calories per minute. For 15 minutes of work, you could burn 200-300 calories that is insane.

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J Bull J Bull

Learning to See the Light Through the Darkness

Today, I will tell the story of my first school in-game dunk attempt. I’m stressing the school league because it wasn’t my first-first game dunk attempt. As far back as I can remember, I was fascinated with basketball, but I was not the sit-and-watch basketball type. My father uses to harp on the fact that I needed to be watching the game, then I didn’t want to hear it. Now I understand why he was pushing me to watch the game.

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J Bull J Bull

A Great Way To Maintain Leg Muscle Balance

When starting in fitness, we tend to neglect technique especially, if we are without an instructor. To be clear, pointing out technique cues is not necessarily about what is the right or wrong way, but to ensure we get the most out of the exercise we’re performing. Of course, there are different variations to execute various exercises. The reason is, those elite athletes have a harder time making gains due to their exercise age. After your first couple of years of fitness, training improvements slow down drastically. That is when you have to get creative to continue to move the needle.

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J Bull J Bull

5 Tell-Tale Signs Your Overtraining

Since most of my sports-related injuries came from overuse, I would like to share some warning signs that you are either in the red or close to it. Here is a quick story of how overuse can happen suddenly and sideline you if you do not pay attention.

Right before I tore my left calf muscle, my hamstring was already killing me. I was in Israel at the time, and that "good" old chip on my shoulder got the best of me once again.

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J Bull J Bull

Knees Get Weaker as We Age

When it comes to the knees, most are willing to accept they become more vulnerable as they age. Father time is undefeated, as the saying goes. Even a family history of knee problems does not automatically mean your knees are destined, for doom. The knee is a complex joint like his friend, the hip we talked about in an earlier blog. Traditionally classified as a hinge joint, the knee is an important link in the kinetic chain (hips, knees, and toes, I mean feet).

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J Bull J Bull

Quick Glute and Cardio Workout

Short and sweet today, we will go into a superset routine that is easy to perform and hit those glutes. These movements are equally good as a finisher, but this combo can stand alone as a quick hitter. If you find yourself with little time and do not want to feel guilty for skipping a workout. Simple HIIT routines will become your obsession because not only will you get the pump, as will as make gains.

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J Bull J Bull

You Can Start at Any Age

Christmas is this Friday! Even with two weeks left in 2020, we have to stay prepared for whatever can happen. The pandemic has been felt differently throughout the world, while the wealth gap is becoming enormous even in the world's most powerful countries. People who, under normal circumstances, would not need assistance find themselves in food lanes. We have seen human rights openly violated throughout the world. To what end, the vaccine is here, and we see the light at the end of the tunnel. Some sense of normalcy, which could be good, and that could be worse.

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