Exercise VS CoVid-19

     We are amid a pandemic, and healthcare professional across the world is feeling the strain of the CoVid-19. Virtually everyone has been affected in some form or fashion, our elderly are at a higher risk for mortality. Although viral outbreaks are nothing new, the Coronavirus is still in its infancy. Every country is tackling the issue in different ways, some better than others. As time goes on the understanding of the virus will mature. Howbeit, most countries' response is to go into lockdown status.

          While most of the world experienced a complete lockdown in March 2020, is that truly the most effective way to fight against CoVid-19? I’m no virologist, but not all countries took the shut everything down approach though no country has completely defeated the virus yet. Those countries that went against the grain are doing surprisingly better than countries that lockdown. 

          The aim is not to debate which methods are best, humane, or economy friendly but to highlight how exercise and fitness have always helped in more ways than just muscle gains. Please, do not go to the gym or any place. Other than a medical provider, if you are experiencing CoVid like symptoms! Let’s do our part in the fight against this virus.

         Exercise is proven to reduce the chances of developing cardiovascular problems. Along with combating stress hormones and boosting the immune system. Regular exercise reduces the body's overall inflammation which allows the immune system to work optimally. Keep in mind inflammation in response to an injury is a sign of a healthy immune system, but chronic inflammation is not beneficial. 

          A study in 2019 discovered that moderate-intensity exercise is linked to lower rates of upper respiratory tract infections, such as viruses like the common cold and the flu. More studies show sufficient declines in key areas that help our bodies remain healthy and fight off viral infections.

             Yes, I understand at the moment you are flooded with information over this crisis, so we will not go so deep into the technicalities. I want to encourage you to exercise, even with a stay-at-home order, or for the fortunate ones whose state or city allows us to attend the local gym. Remain conscious of social distancing and personal hygiene upkeep. Though fitness will help boost your immune system, it will not protect you from direct exposure to any virus, especially corona. 

            If weather permits it, opt to exercise in nature, take walks, and stretch out. Move throughout the day from each joint to maintain its range of motion. For those of us that like more intense exercises but cannot go to the gym or dare not, here is a quick HIIT= high-intensity interval training that you can do anywhere with no equipment.

Get your timer out, depending on your fitness level, set it for 2mins 30sec to 4 minutes. Within the 2mins 30sec or any time you choose up to 4mins, complete the following exercises:

20 knee to elbow

20 hand to ankle

10-20 push ups

10/10 drop lunges

10/10 single leg glute bridges

20 shoulder taps

10 burpees

Rest for 30sec- 60sec then repeat 3-5 times, total time is between 15 to 30mins.

 I will link examples for the exercises provided.

Live life free and stay fit!

J’Nathan Bullock CSCS


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