What Is It Worth?

Nothing is guaranteed in life but death, not to sound so dark, but it is the truth. We can have the most sophisticated plan, proven to increase one's chances of achieving a goal. Yet we all know (although we may eventually hit our target or even surpass it), the way we get there is often not the route we planned. On average, people are 42% more likely to achieve a goal when it is in writing. How much is that effort worth? Would your answer change if the percentage was 90%? Chances are everyone would be writing down goals. How about if it only raised your chance of attainment by 10%? Is it worth the effort? Assuming we are all ambition achievers here, that answer is oblivious.

We love the stories of ultra-talented human beings like Michael Jordan, who knew from an early age where his passion and gifts laid as well as pursued them early on. Drew Barrymore and Christian Bale both started acting young and continued to succeed in the industry as adults. For them, one could say, of course, those extra-long study sessions were worth it and the millions of sacrifices that come with it. Especially being they seen success early on, but what about the late boomers?

When the clock seems to be running out, is sticking with your dreams worth it? Tons of people leave their dreams in the waiting room because dreams do not pay bills; we have all heard it before. Even though it is practical, dreaming does not pay the bills when left in the unseen, but everything that exists was first a dream. Cheesy, yeah but it is still true from this very laptop I’m typing on to the desk it is sitting on and the chair I’m sitting in all were first thoughts.

For me, I’m a dreamer, consistently looking, seeking, and searching for ways to break those thoughts out of the unseen realm into reality. As this way of living has always been my nature, it has not always panned out. I have done countless gigs just to pay the bills and allow time to work on the career I actually desired. That term led me to define success for myself; to be content with the efforts put towards the attainment and sustainability of/those achievements.

What is it worth? Finally, winning the bid on that dream home; graduating with honors from med school; having your art on display in art galleries; publishing your first book; recording an album; what is it worth? For every field of study, career path, and trade there is a set standard for the job (the average). Then there are the times, e.g. when a basketball player is skinny and short and defeats the odds to become a star in the NBA a league that praises height, length, and size. Or a sport like ultra-running that as the ideal body type of lean, thin, and smaller has someone over 6 feet tall and muscular, dominate the sport. There are no limitations for the person who knows what they want and remain focus long enough with mental toughness.

There are no limits, live life free, and stay fit!

J’Nathan Bullock CSCS


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