5 Tell-Tale Signs Your Overtraining

Since most of my sports-related injuries came from overuse, I would like to share some warning signs that you are either in the red or close to it. Here is a quick story of how overuse can happen suddenly and sideline you if you do not pay attention.

Right before I tore my left calf muscle, my hamstring was already killing me. I was in Israel at the time, and that "good" old chip on my shoulder got the best of me once again. Two weeks prior, I got released from the top-place team, which is a whole other story. 

However, another team in the same league opted to sign me, and the first game was against a Euroleague team. Now with the new team mid-season, I had to prove I belonged. Practicing hard, check, hitting the weights, check, and ignoring my body warning signs.

That is when the hamstring acted up, but I wanted to keep playing, and I said nothing because an untimely injury for Americans playing aboard usually means you're going home. Halfway into the next game on a normal defensive play, I suddenly heard a pop almost like a firecracker. I went to take a step and ended up limping to the locker room. I wish I could say I learned my lesson and started listening to my body better, but here I am. Hopefully, these tips will help you avoid some of the mistakes I have made along the way.

Sign #1: You are not feeling it. Normally, like in my story, our bodies start to feel tired, and suddenly the trip to the gym becomes a big effort. Learn to listen to your body and treat yourself to an off day. Then lower the intensity the next couple of workouts before cranking it back up.

Sign #2: The soreness is not going away. This one is tricky because soreness after an intense workout is normal. If you do not feel any muscle soreness, you might need to add more load. After two to three days, the soreness should lessen, however, if the hurt is at the bones and joints level that is a problem. This is a sign you need to back off. Remember to get your recommended protein intake that helps aid muscle recovery along with water. Stay hydrated!

Sign #3: You are becoming overly moody, all in your feelings. I did not understand why I was taking things personally that I normally would not have thought twice on. If people around you suddenly do not want to be around you, maybe you have burned up all your energy working out. 

Workout more, and eating less always seem like the cure for extra weight but keep in mind, whole food is the fuel your body needs for recovery.

Sign #4: Sleep; this we wrote about a few weeks back. If your sleep is becoming restless, it could be due to excessive exercise stress, and the lack of sleep could make stress chronic. Refer back to the Quality Sleep post to help ensure you get a good night of rest.  

Sign #5: Your Immunity has weakened. Generally, exercise helps improve your immune system once in an overtrained state though those benefits evaporate. In a normal case, working out with a common cold or a runny nose is ok but now, with the Covid-19 pandemic, it is better to stay home if you are not feeling well.

I have countless stories where injuries could have been avoided, only if I had listened to my body. Please learn from my mistakes to stay in the game. Be on the lookout for any of these signs, which most times come on in stages. One or two off days and lowering the intensity is far better than having to be sidelined due to an overuse injury.

Live life free and stay fit!

J’Nathan Bullock CSCS



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