Quick and Easy Cardio Workout

 Short and straight to the point Jump rope. Did you know, with jumping rope, you burn more calories than running, biking, swimming, and rowing? I understand skipping rope is not for everyone but with practice, you can master this simple exercise. To brag, Jumping rope at a moderate pace burns approximately 15-20 calories per minute. For 15 minutes of work, you could burn 200-300 calories that is insane.  

5 common mistakes when jumping rope:


  • Looking down: This one is tricky because you can look down if it is only your eyes, but if your whole head is bent over to look at your feet. That is a problem we want to keep a good posture while jumping.

  • Picking the wrong size rope: Most jump ropes are adjustable, or the old schoolyard fix for a too-long rope was wrapping the excess rope around your wrist. I don’t recommend that method but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. A good rule of thumb to help size your rope right is to step on the middle of the rope. You should be able to hold the handles comfortably at the height of the hips or a bit below hip level.



  • Holding your arms out too wide: Often when jumping, we tend to use our arms like in a jumping jack. When skipping rope, the arms are doing very little motion, it is more so flicking the wrist in small half circles. This way you can time your jumps with the speed your wrist is turning the rope. Shoulder width apart is the max distance from your body the hands should go.


  • Jumping too high: Even with double jumps, you don’t want to explode jump. That is not the point of skipping rope, assuming you’re looking for a good workout. Instead of thinking it’s a jump, go for small hops in a bouncing-type motion.



  • Mindset: Don’t be super hard on yourself, especially if you’re just starting. It will come along greatly with time, of course, push yourself while keeping the right mindset.


After you’ve gotten the hang of skipping rope, try out this simple HIIT workout to get a nice burn.


Short layout: 3 sets of 10 rounds of 30 seconds work/10-sec rest with a minute rest in-between sets. Total 20minutes.


Long layout: 30 seconds sub maximum effort jumping(work)

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work           

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work


Set 1 is complete now 60-sec rest before starting set 2


           30 seconds sub maximum effort jumping(work)

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work


Set 2 is complete now 60-sec rest before starting set 3, the last set.


          30 seconds sub maximum effort jumping(work)

                             10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                             10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                             10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                             10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

                            10-sec rest

                      30 second’s work

Not to be redundant, only for clarification. After finishing that HIIT workout, you could end with a core finisher;)


Live life free and stay fit!

J’Nathan Bullock CSCS



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