3 Ways to Hack Starting a New Routine  

     Have a plan, wait, have a plan? Before you bounce, that is not the first hack, but it is the traditional habit-starting method. It has been around for ages for a reason, so it must have some validity. Now, how many times have you had a plan and failed to execute that plan? Trust me, it is no judgment here; the reason I’m writing this post is, yup you guessed it, been there done that. From writing your goals on paper because it's x amount times more likely to happen. To the laws of attraction to praying to scratch-off lottery tickets and finger crossing.

             Still, somehow that once burning desire to improve and to grow got extinguished by complacency. We all know what comes with complacency, the inevitable return to desperation mode to again change the circumstances. Then a friend introduced me to an author by the name of Jeff Olson if you've heard of Jeff you probably know which book I’m referencing, “The Slight Edge”. If you have not read this book, GO READ THE SLIGHT EDGE. This book helped me identify why I would blast out massive achievements to later find myself at the “something must change” stage.  

             Yes, life is full of peaks and valleys. We all understand that, and some of us accepted that. But the 5 percent, do not have peaks and valleys too? Yes, as the Bible says, “the rain falls on the just and the unjust as the sun shines on the righteous and the unrighteous” so it's no, more or less privileged person; Relatively speaking. Jeff explains that though things outside our control can/do happen, it's how we respond to them that counts. It is not karma, it's not fate or some fairy dust but the simple small decision we make daily. Those unnoticeable decisions that don't immediately have an effort but over time reap either rewards or despair. For instance, to watch Netflix or read a mind-developing book, snack on fruits and vegetables, or chips and dip. I’m sure you get the point, this particular book helped me realize 3 hacks to starting and sticking with new habits.

  1. Embrace the excuse: I can come up with a million legitimate reasons why I couldn’t stick with that one goal or plan. Don’t get me wrong things do happen, hinds the legitimate. Embracing that legitimacy and excusing the excuse to do what I have to do anyway helped me get past the initial resistance to change.

  2. Change the relationship with boredom: when we look at the top 5 percent of achievers, they have exactly 24 hours like us all. Most are habitual every day the same tasks get completed with incredible passion and focus. My guess is they weren’t always that excited about those tasks, but they found a way to appreciate their value.

  3. Just do it: Ok that is not the most original, and for those familiar with Nike, it is their slogan. We know we need to exercise to lead a healthy life. If you don’t like powerlifting, then don’t there are plenty of other activities that can keep you healthy. If you need help, hire a coach for your team. Whatever work is your weakness, get a professional to service that particular area. Do not allow anything to stop you from getting the most out of life, just do it!

  4. Bonus take yourself seriously: At the end of the day, YOU OWE YOU. Whatever you believe in or whoever is already supporting and waiting for you.

Leave me a comment, and tell me how I can better serve you. I will get you off and running on your fitness journey.

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Live life free and stay fit!

J’Nathan Bullock CSCS


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