How To Jump-Start Your Mornings?
It is often quoted “The difference between a productive person and an unproductive person is how they use the hours in a day”. That kicks us off to the debate, whether early morning or late morning is best, for tackling a busy schedule. Many studies effectively built cases for both sides, though most agree, optimal sleep hours go to the rhythm of the sun. Coining between 8 pm and 12 am critical hours to get the most out of the REM parts of sleep. We sleep in cycles, a five-stage process lasting between 90 to 110 minutes, with REM being the last stage before the cycle resets.
Why do sleep experts recommend 6 to 8 hours of shut-eye per night? Partly because the REM stage lasts roughly ten minutes once we fall asleep. Then progressively increasing throughout the night to last as long as an hour during the final cycle. With that, there are some hacks to get your morning going; the ideal fix is regularly scheduled sleep patterns. Sometimes we can not go to bed around the same time each night, while in many cases, the wake-up time is mandatory(fixed) due to pending obligations.
How to jump-start your mornings? Then becomes extremely situational due largely to the variation in lifestyles. Firstly, aim to cut off the technology devices thirty minutes to an hour before your bedtime( remove televisions/laptops from the bedrooms). Have some social media boundaries, replace the wasteful browsing with connecting with the spouse or planning the next day, and maybe read a book to learn another skill.
Second, place the alarm clock or the cell phone out of arm's reach, making it impossible to hit the snooze button. Lastly, passion, trust me it's not the easiest thing to accomplish, living your best life with the monetary demands this world insists we need. Yet if what you are passionate about doesn’t get you going in the am, you have suppressed those passions, or, life got you stuck in the rat race. Either way, it's never too late to live life free and stay fit!
J’Nathan Bullock CSCS