Rapid Weight Loss Routine Anyone Can Do  

     Diets, how we love diets. A wedding coming up, let’s severally cut the calorie intake. The summer is nearing, “only salad for me please”. There are countless options when it comes to dieting, and admittingly I’ve tested quite a few out on myself. What I’ve come to realize, it doesn’t matter the approach, it has to be one that can be sustainable. A few months ago when I wrote on nutrition, I stated, it is not about dieting or any fab type things but more so a lifestyle change.  Let me backtrack, having weight loss short-term goals are a great motivator to push us forward. The idea is to live a healthy lifestyle, assumedly speaking given, we’re in the health in-fitness space.

             One way to go about your fitness journey is to count your calories, which I know works. After a while, you can mentally gauge your calorie intake without actually counting. Some of the pros of this approach are:

  • Promotes a healthy weight loss rate

  • Make better choices as far as food options

  • Teaches portion control

While some of the cons are the seemingly endless tracking which some apps help with that process. As I experienced for myself if I didn’t add my food right away, it became a daunting task at night, typically one that ended incomplete. However, if your disciple is enough to pop the meals into a given app(most I-phones/ Androids have them preinstalled), then this method will have you well on your way to that target weight.  

             We also have options that don’t restrict calorie intake, but it does reduce the times that you do eat. “Intermittent fasting” while there’s a wide range of health benefits to this approach outside of weight loss. 

To name a few.

  • Shown to increase Cognitive Health even as we age

  • Increases in Cardiovascular Health

  • Reduces Type 2 Diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and oxidative stress

  • Also was shown to help build the immune system’s stress resistance

Studies show in only 13 hours without food, we can start reaping some of those benefits, and their effects increase as the hours without food increase. It a few ways to achieve this fasting state that makes it extremely user-friendly.  

Alternate-day fasting: Eat your usual meal intake one day and the next day go without food. Keep in mind water is advised to keep having on days when you don’t eat. You also can modify this way by adding under 30% of your usual food intake to days without food.

 Food reduction fast: Like the modified way on the alternate-day fast, this approach is a change to a plant-based diet or maybe keto and cut your usual calorie intake by about 50-60% for five consecutive days. Also, there are

5 to 2 fast:  when you only fast for two days out of the week and the other five days, you resume your usual food intake. And as mentioned earlier,

The time-restricted fast: Here, we can “cheat” a bit by timing our fast at night which places most of our fast time during sleep hours. Make your last meal before 7 pm and your first meal of the day after 10 am. That way results in at least 15 hours in the fasting state, and this approach I witness gives rapid results.

             Now I must add with the fasting routine, you don’t have to restrict your calorie intake. However, it is in your best interest to use good eating habits. For example, whole foods and well-balanced meals which include snacks, ice cream, chocolate, etc. Just don’t make junk(processed) food the bulk of your food intake during your eating windows because that would negatively affect the positive effect of fasting.

Live Life Free and Stay Fit!

J’Nathan Bullock CSCS


Passionate and Ready to Start


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