Passionate and Ready to Start

Passionate and Ready to Start

Fitness guidance for everyday Athletes

            Most would agree with the idiom of goal setting as the great and one of my favorite authors; Tony Robbins stated, setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. In the lovely world of fitness, pretty much every aspect is about measurement, wins, and losses.  Since fitness started making its march to popularity, the most attractive measure was and quite certainly still is weight loss.  Most before progress pictures or measurements (start) your progress towards the change (after) you’re aiming to accomplish. Make no mistakes have faith in goal setting; I have an abstract way of goal setting myself even though the traditional process is not for everyone.  I am also a firm believer that success leaves clues, as we have heard many times over.

            If you’re entering the world of fitness or still in the considering stage, fitness can be one big melting pot of confusion.  Trust me, I’ve been exercising for years and made huge gains.  Later find out my technique was considered wrong and causing functional problems that made me eager to learn more.  The good thing is my curiosity about fitness did not waver.  While in my youth, the goal was to be strong as a “ Bull ” all puns attended.  Who am I kidding I continue to want to be bull strong but just not in a use steroids type of way.  If you’re into the roids you’re in the wrong space, my friend. Before I continue to spiral off, fitness is ever-evolving and while it is a step to know where you are going setting a goal is not always the best way to achieve that.

            I have a post on what happens after you’ve crushed your goal, and unfortunately, a lot of people find themselves right back at their before(start).  For some, that’s unchangeably frustrating. However, you’ve gotten there once which, proves you can certainly do it again.  Also, in that post, we looked at how your “why” can evolve.  The "why" that keeps you going after your desires during those undesirable periods.  The whole idea is to set your goals, stick to them, and, remain conscious of the fact that the outcome may be different than what you imagine it to be. To truly experience the lasting satisfaction that living a healthy lifestyle could bring, we must keep the big picture in mind.  Though your wedding or having that summer body may help get us off the couch, my assumption is we all want to maintain a quality life throughout the ages.

           There are no guarantees in life but granted if we can live to a hundred. One could think that you want to have the energy for your children in your 40s. Your grandchildren in your 60s, and your great-grandchildren in your 90s. The data is in resistance training can reverse aging and help us fight back against father time. Yes, many things are outside of our control that can disable us from having that power to fight back but while the power is still in our hands, get moving already. There are tons of information available out here to help you along the way.

Live life free and stay Fit!

J’Nathan Bullock CSCS


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