You Can Start at Any Age

Christmas is this Friday! Even with two weeks left in 2020, we have to stay prepared for whatever can happen. The pandemic has been felt differently throughout the world, while the wealth gap is becoming enormous even in the world's most powerful countries. People who, under normal circumstances, would not need assistance find themselves in food lanes. We have seen human rights openly violated throughout the world. To what end, the vaccine is here, and we see the light at the end of the tunnel. Some sense of normalcy, which could be good, and that could be worse.

Coach P, in high school, repeatedly said, if you are not getting better, then you are getting worse. Even though this pandemic sucks, and losing loved ones is never easy, there is beauty in the storm. Now people are prompt to spend holidays only with their immediate family. We can start to emphasize families that are separated while seeking refuge. People have been urged to stay home to help stop the spread of the virus. That allowed billions of people to watch the news and see disturbing things. Inspired them to stand with people of color to continue the progression of the human race.

War will always be amongst us, too much pride and a false sense of scarcity for it not to be. Competition without sportsmanship at its finest: my religion is better than yours, my country hand the pandemic more efficient than yours, my skin is more attractive than yours, I have a better education than you, blah blah blah. Feel childish to type, but it is the truth. For me, it has always been the spirit of competitiveness, and I do not care to make friends. Through this pandemic, I realized (what my mother always said) it is a time and place for everything.

We love to compete as to why sports are played, and businesses are operated, et cetera. Am I a dreamer, to believe in mankind, that we can continue to enjoy life? Aspire to truly be free amongst each other emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally, and financially. No, everyone does not wish to have money by the trillions, and absolutely no one love to go hungry. It will always be divisions in this world, lions, tigers, and bears.

Life is creation, you do not have to believe in Christ Jesus, but we can still show each other common courtesy. Friendship can exist with language barriers, and agreeing to disagree is not a crime. During holidays, that is normally the case, most of the people are jolly and respectful. When it comes to human interactions, the competition has to cease, and I have to practice what I preach.

In all, whether in the pandemic or holiday season for us now, it is both; work to remember everybody starts in a random position. That does not make one better or worse, and we can respect each other as humans. While fighting together against covid, suppression, injustice, and whatever else that attempts to bring our world to extinction.

Merry Christmas!

Live life free and stay fit!

J’Nathan Bullock CSCS


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