Quick Glute and Cardio Workout

Short and sweet today, we will go into a superset routine that is easy to perform and hit those glutes. These movements are equally good as a finisher, but this combo can stand alone as a quick hitter. If you find yourself with little time and do not want to feel guilty for skipping a workout. Simple HIIT routines will become your obsession because not only will you get the pump, as will as make gains.

Always remember to focus on the technique, quality over quantity. Upon getting a good grasp of the movements, start to add more load. Exercise one= lateral/side step-ups performed similar to step-ups but from the lateral position. If you do not have access to a gym, use the stairs, again start with a low box or step. When you gain strength and want to progress this movement. You can either raise the box height or add weight to the none working side e.g. holding a kettlebell or dumbbell at shoulder height. The key with this movement is to keep the knee aligned with the ankle and only use the leg that is on the step to control your weight.

Note; the working leg (the one on the box/step) stays fixed on top of the step. The stance leg should not rest on top of the step but immediately return to tap the floor. Perform the movement as fluently as possible and with control. The stance leg also should not rest at the bottom of the movement. (the left side of the upper photo)

Superset the lateral(side) step-up, with exercise two=the single-arm dumbbell/kettlebell snatch. If you are home with no weights, fill a backpack with water bottles. It will be less comfortable, but you can still get a solid workout in. The technique cues here are very similar to the start of the kettlebell swings (there is a post on that here too). The power comes from the hips, similar to the kettlebell swings. Try not to use your arms to pull the weight up. It can take some time to get the hang of this movement, but once you got it, it’s a gem.

With less amount of rest needed between exercises and rounds, perform seven to ten sets(rounds). For the lateral step-ups, four to eight reps for each leg. For the single-arm snatch, six to ten each arm. There you have it another quick HIIT-style workout with a focus on the glutes. Thank God for videos, schedule a free intake, or email any questions you have.

Live life free and stay fit!

J’Nathan Bullock CSCS


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