Before You Ever Start To Loss A Pound, Do This!

Every day we look for ways to improve ourselves, whether that improvement stays a thought or turns into action proves to be the battle. This is a huge issue, many times throughout life we hit these crossroads or decisive moments that pivot our trajectory. I tend to turn to books, however, not in the most practical way. see, I would have goals like reading a book a month. Since I’m a gamer, I discipline myself by putting a stipulation on my gaming. For instance, I must complete a new book before I could begin to play a new game.

Though, this method did force me to read tons of books, leaving me with tons of information yet no experience with the application. I have now switched my methods because most of our favorite leaders, coaches, and guru’s all plug books as their most prized tool towards their trout to success. As success leaves clues, we must first work on ourselves mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

So, instead of devouring my food (a book) and moving on to my next plate (a new book). I now take the time to know what is on my plate. Purposely, I’m using food as a metaphor to stay within the fitness realm of thinking. Also, that ties into the overall message of this post. We aim to give you practical tools to help push you off and go in the right direction with your fitness journey.

I spent my life training for one goal to be an NBA player; I ended up with a short stint in the NFL before playing professionally throughout Europe, Asia, and the middle east. Largely due to my commitment to fitness and skill development, but I miss the bar early in my career at that critical point mentioned earlier. You probably heard this before; success is 80% psychology and 20% skill acquisition. Those years of challenges could help someone who has the passion and desire to speed up their learning curve. That boils down to you. If you reading this reach out with any questions concerning starting your fitness journey.

But of course, I want to leave you with something actionable that you can put into practice as promised earlier. Before you sign up for the new gym or program, that could very well be your strategy for losing or gaining weight. Ask yourself, why do I want to achieve this? And is that reason true enough to motivate you through the ups and downs of the process? After that, began to take inventory of what is on your plate and commit to making the proper changes aligned with your goals. Then watch those pounds melt away, go get it, my friend.

Live life free and stay fit!

J’Nathan Bullock CSCS


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