Why Not!

There’s a perception, well many perspectives are surrounding every subject imaginable. The simple title “Why Not” is a perspective opposed to “Why”. When we’re young, the elders, whether our parents or teachers typically allow us to dream big and freely. They encourage us that this white-breaded man travels the air on a sled powered by reindeer. Or an invisible person exchange money for lost teeth.

For the most part, those are all harmless lies to help children either cope with losing teeth or fill them with excitement for a gift given their good behavior. One could pose the question; Why would parents encourage their children to believe in such blatant lies? While another, why not allow their children to use their imagination? We know many different angles could be taken on such a topic. That’s our segway into what the purpose of this post is.

I’ll have to do more research to figure out exactly when is the point when we prompt to follow the status quo and surpass our wildest dreams. Of course, some people have amazing parents and a village of people around them. That continues to support their dreams, though they may seem impossible. Then there is the case where those dreams are plucked away almost immediately. In either case, there is a point when the child(us) has to make the decision, why go after my wildest dream? Or why not achieve my wildest dreams?

Upon becoming an “adult,” we start to have “real” challenges, “real” responsibilities, and “real” obligations. Some stem from the choices we made out of desperation, while others are out of ignorance. If you’re one of the fortunate ones that have had the support, you’re probably not reading this post and living your dreams already. Indeed, one could have all that support and find themselves stuck too. However, those like myself, who have lacked the needed support, whether emotional, physical, spiritual, or financial, may be a combination of them all.

Why? Risk comfort for discomfort, pleasure for pain, sugar for shit. No sane person would trade those luxuries. Unfortunately, that’s the stuff in our way from living in our promised land. The blissfulness that is already here in this physical world, yeah, I know, easier said than done touché. Giving yourself leeway to settle, then convincing yourself that you’re at peace with it as if it’s some virtue. Fear is a tremendous disabler, COVID-19 even put logical, sensible paths in unpredictable circumstances. So, I posed the question to myself, “Why not” go for it?

It was expressed to me, I’ll never make it to college off basketball, and to be a professional was definitely out of the picture. The truth is, (people) no matter who that person is, don’t have to root you on, believe in you, or help you navigate the waves. If you truly desire to lose weight or gain weight, go to the NBA or Euro league, be an excellent husband or father, an amazing wife or mother, then I pose the question to you, “Why not”? Remember, live life free and stay fit!

J’Nathan Bullock CSCS



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