Why Is My Weight Fluctuating?

    I’m between a mesomorph and ectomorph but more a mesomorph than an ectomorph. Mesomorph is a body type that can build muscle faster, and the ectomorph body type usually has a smaller frame or long thin limbs. I have long, slightly-thin limbs, but I can pack on muscle fast as a young man which was great for my ego. Not so good for my sport of choice though (basketball). Similar to boxing or track and field, certain activities require you to maintain a certain weight while maximizing your strength at the ideal weight.  

            I had jumped to 275 pounds after college, where my playing weight was roughly 240 pounds. The Jets had the idea that I would have been a good tight end with some more muscle. Being I put on muscle easily, with all the professional resources one has at that level, we saw that jump to 275 inside three months. However, after some family matters and the desire to continue to play basketball, my NFL career was over, and I was left with over 30 pounds to shake off without those professional resources mentioned earlier.

            Reflecting on those times is quite painful only because I worked harder, not smarter. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the pain for the gains, some kind of way, it makes me feel like I’ve earned it. Yet during those times, I’ll train 4 to 6 hours a day, no days off endlessly, refusing to allow the bouncing weight to discourage me. The scale hits 260, then right back to 270, and 255 jumped back to 265 until I hit a plateau at roughly 250 pounds. Anyone that has followed my story knows I said you can out-train a bad diet, but that can only work for so long. Either you hit a stagnate weight (seeing no weight coming or going), or the over-usage injuries force you to take a chill pill. 

             As for my case, it was both, stuck fluctuating between 250-260 pounds, and quite naturally, I trained even more. Never did I even give a curious look into my diet or how that could help the process, of course not. The working class raised me, and we know WORK. Honestly, it is not like I did not know nutrition could help, I just didn’t give it the time of day. I mean c’mon, counting calories, and no sweets who wants that?

             Well, after beating myself to death on multiple occasions, I finally took heed to motherly advice and start drinking water. Boy, how important just water alone is to our health, but water weight is also a key contributor to weight fluctuation. Adult bodies are close to 60% water, the brain and heart consist of 73%, the lungs around 83%, and our skin has about 64%. The muscles together with the kidneys are both nearly 79% of water. Even our bones have water as part of their makeup. The bone portion of water is 31% according, to the U.S Geological Survey.

             It is a lot more factors that could cause weight fluctuation, but, in most cases, it’s just water weight. If you’re following a well-designed program, stay the course, you will hit your target. Full disclaimer, everyone has their unique genetic composition, but that doesn’t mean you cannot achieve your goal, whether you want to gain lean muscle mass or trim and tone. 

            Unfortunately, fitness is so easily accessible that most choose to go at it alone. If you have the time and resources, by all means, go get it. However, for those with 9-5’s, a family, and hardly any alone time, I offer one on one coaching via bulltraining.online I’m here to assist you, get you back in the game, and research for you. Some people want to understand the science behind everything while others only want the results either way your goal is my goal.

 Live life free and stay fit!

J’Nathan Bullock CSCS


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