Total Body Workout With One Exercise

Do not have much time but still want to keep up with your fitness regimen? There are a few different approaches you can take to blast out an efficient workout. All while being out of the gym within 30 minutes. Before we get into it though, keep in mind numerous other exercises could serve your purpose more. Depending upon what your specific goal outcome is.

However, here I assume the person would like a bit of cardio, strength training with mobility work in the least amount of time possible. That is where we bring out the traditional kettlebell swing, which targets the entire posterior chain (calves, hamstrings, glutes, and back) as well as core stability, lats, forearms, and hands. With all those muscle groups getting their fair share of work, we also get cardio only by performing this (one) exercise.

Now I would say this movement is (fairly) simple, and it is once you have gotten the hang of it. Why do I love this exercise as a go-to quick total body workout? It is due to how effective it can be for all levels of fitness experience. The kettlebell swing could be performed correctly and quickly and present massive benefits in multiple areas (mentioned before). I will issue a fair warning. When it comes to the kettlebell swing technique often does not get the just due.

I have seen kettlebell swings performed from different parts of the world, and only God knows what some of those people were working on. I have to admit, the kettlebell workouts have evolved a lot over the years, much of which I have yet to master. Honestly, if it was not for the attempt to keep fitness enjoyable most exercise would have no place in fitness but that is another subject.

When you are in a rush and want to knock out a solid workout routine and have a kettlebell at your disposal. Start with a light kb but not too light you must control the kettlebell, not the other way around. Stand with your feet roughly shoulder wide apart, maybe a bit wider, and place the kettlebell between your feet but 1 or 2 feet in front of you.

From there, engage your core while maintaining a flat back (chest out, shoulders down, and back) and bend from the hips (hip hinge) to grab the kettlebell with both hands. Quickly pull the kettlebell back and up as if you are hiking a football or throwing something between your legs. Here, your forearms should touch(slide against) your upper-inner tights, then explosively push your hips forward to propel the kettlebell swing upward.

Now, as the kettlebell swings out, up, and forward, use your lats (outer back muscles) to stop the kettlebell momentum right about month height, then force the kettlebell back down into the hiking position. Repeat that sequence for timed rounds or sets of 10-20 reps with 30 seconds to a minute rest in between either timed rounds or sets. Once you have completed a round or set simply come to a controlled stop back at the starting position.

There you have it, an excellent tool to utilize when you do not have much time but still want a great workout. You are more than welcome to reach out to me via email or Facebook if you have any questions or concerns; we can work together to eliminate any confusion.

Enjoy the workout

Live life free, and stay fit!

J’Nathan Bullock CSCS


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