Basketball Slight Edge

Hey, What’s up,

I want to briefly update you about the project I’ll be working on for the next few weeks. It will take most of my resources so I’ll have to pause the Monday blogs for now. However, if you have the time please get in touch with me via email or Facebook to let me know your thought about the blog and/or, the upcoming project “ The Basketball Slight Edge” program. To help anyone become a better athlete, tap into your full potential with a practical approach.

Notice the slight edge reference which I’m piggybacking off Jeff Olsen’s book the slight edge. Up until now, I’ve been helping beginners start their fitness journey. And this program can help everyone level up their game; Whether that is dominating the rec league or going pro. Most of my experience is in basketball skill-wise and also in strength training for athletes.

So with that, let me know what areas hold you back the most with leveling up your game. The thing is, I am still pushing myself to become the best version of myself on and off the court. It is quite weird to think about the journey I’ve been on and how far I’ve come. To think of it, I was the kid that wasn’t supposed to make it to college, the kid that teachers said was the troublemaker. My high school coach said I don’t have a chance to play Division 1 basketball and yet here I stand having played over 10 years professionally in many different countries.

I know how it feels to be overlooked or slept on and I was fortunate enough to have gotten coached by brilliant coaches that help me shape this almost finished program. But I want you to help me put the finishing touches on it. Over a month or so, we will be presenting a free 8-day blitz featuring a few of the X-Factors that help form this program.

Can you help spread the word and be on the lookout for this project, the first edition, and hold me accountable. If this is something you’re interested in or know someone interested in this type of program check back in the coming weeks on the Facebook and LinkedIn profiles. Or if you want to sign up now as a pre-pre launch then, here’s the opt-in page

Thanks for your understanding,

Live Life Free and Stay Fit

J’Nathan Bullock CSCS


Knee Valgus: A Common Enemy for Athletes, and How to Defeat It


70% Mental, 20% Skill, and 10% Chance