70% Mental, 20% Skill, and 10% Chance

Mostly everything boils down to the mental aspect of things. Some people think positive thinking is BS; it is all about the data, the evidence that proves things can happen. I’m all about the good vibes and keeping the positivity rolling. No, not the rosy, nothing bad ever happens, though I did go through a phase like that. I figured no one cares about my problems and those that do are happy I have them. Smile, and keep it pushing, but what was that doing to my mental state?

Seeing the silver lining is not ignoring the pains of life, but choosing to see them as happening for your development. I flashback to my Senior year in college, we were having an up-and-down year. Coming after a championship run my junior year season. The expectations were high, given before that year, the school was in a 20-year losing spell. Most people can appreciate the underdog stories because we all know it’s a long process to change negative or energy-draining habits. On the flip side, people love winners, and teams or companies with a proven winning culture have the most loyal fans, even with a few off years.

My guess is anyone who’s ever strived for something they never had, understands the process of failing forward. Meanwhile, I remember this particular stretch that senior season, we just lost four games in a row to teams on paper we should’ve beaten.

In my young mind, I’ll just go hit the gym that much harder, longer hours, pushing my body beyond its limits. I thought that was leading my team, showing them by example, but that’s only one aspect of the game. Unfortunately, that wasn’t where we were losing it was more so the mental piece. There’s a fine line between taking your business seriously and taking it too seriously. In those moments, it was all about the mission however, I forgot to have fun doing what I love to do.

So how do you push yourself past your limits, achieve your wildest dreams, and keep yourself sane? You don’t. You find ways to enjoy the unenjoyable and do the undoable things but keep space to be unapologetically vulnerable. Those that love you will love you and continue to be there for you. As cheesy or corny as it may seem, only you know if you gave your best, and your best effort for that moment is all you can do. If you’re struggling mentally, don’t feel ashamed, and seeking help doesn’t make you weak. Most of the greatest achievers in history had a coach to help them navigate the way.

Live Life Free and Stay Fit!

J’Nathan Bullock CSCS


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