J Bull J Bull

Before You Ever Start To Loss A Pound, Do This!

Every day we look for ways to improve ourselves, whether that improvement stays a thought or turns into action proves to be the battle. This is a huge issue, so many times throughout life we hit these crossroads or decisive moments that pivot our trajectory. I turned to books however not in the most practical way, see I’ll have goals like reading a book a month and since I’m a gamer I’ll discipline myself by putting a stipulation on my gaming where I must complete a new book before I could start a new game. Though this method did force me to read tons of books, that only left me with tons of information yet no experience with the application.

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J Bull J Bull

Will Weight Training Automatically Make Me Muscular Like A Man?

This is probably a weird blog post title but hears me out, my wife uses to refuse to do any upper bodyweight training because of that very question. I completely understand, the concern with looking like a man most women do not desire that outcome keyword “most”. Oddly enough, I feel the need to state this isn’t a post of sexual orientation, preferences, or anything of that nature. However, I believe if you click this specific post

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J Bull J Bull

Is Post Workout Nutrition Important For Beginners

I’ll do my best to stay true to my audience which is starting in their fitness journey. When we talk about post-workout nutrition a lot of big terms like a metabolic window (utilizing post-workout nutrition to switch your body from a catabolic state to an anabolic state). We could go into great detail within the scientific frame of this matter. Depending on where you’re at in the beginning process,

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J Bull J Bull

How To Stay Fit With A Busy Schedule

This question could be easily summed up with the answer “you make time for what you want to do.” That within itself has truth, and I’ll be the biggest hypocrite if I’ll deny the fact that sometimes life gets in the way, whether it’s something trivial¬¬—like work emails, packing school lunches or putting a new light bulb in the basement pantry

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J Bull J Bull

Understanding Different Fitness Phraseology with Program Design

There are many terms and the usage thereof I take for granted within the fitness industry being that I've spent most of my life within the sports realm. So, in today's post, we will look at some of the terms around programs that cause confusion and continue our quest to demystify fitness. This industry thrives on future trends which makes it a rapidly changing environment. That's not something to feel ashamed about or even intimidated over learning is a continuum. Every fitness coach and/or personal trainer must keep their credentials up to date through continuing education.

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J Bull J Bull

How Online Coaching Is Different From Do It Yourself Apps?

I understand how this post could seem like a sell or advertising ploy; the truth is there are many great AI operating applications (apps) that will get you the results you’re after. In many cases, clients have done those “Abs in 30 days” or similar plans to only see themselves not sticking with the program anyway. For starters, these plans could already be too advanced, and for experienced athletes (anyone of practices physical/mental training) the program does quite cut it. While there are custom templates available too, which I would recommend you opt toward when going the do-it-yourself route.

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J Bull J Bull

Why Online Fitness Coaching

To date, we all have been impacted by the current Covid-19 pandemic. This impact is being felt in numerous ways which include and of course not limited to health and fitness. To my understanding, this virus is one of a kind and one does not have to show symptoms to carry COVID-19. Science is working globally to restart economies all over the world in a much-needed relief on multiple levels. Though this article isn’t predicated on COVID-19 or medical research in that regard,

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J Bull J Bull

Super Charge Your Fitness Journey

A lot goes into the fitness lifestyle, many days of soreness, program design, and for the advanced community creative ways to continue gains. Ironically, most fitness junkies like myself know many details when it comes to health and wellness, and still fail at one small detail ”nutrition “. We all know someone, if not ourselves, who attempted the diet fab. That's right, fab and some of the else have gotten results to only see them reverse on us.

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J Bull J Bull

How To Jump-Start Your Mornings?

It is often quoted “The difference between a productive person and an unproductive person is how they use the hours in a day”. That kicks us off to the debate, rather an early morning or late morning is best, for tackling a busy schedule. Many studies effectively build cases for both sides however most agree, optimal sleep hours go with the rhythm of the sun. Coining between 8 pm and 12 am critical hours to get the most out of the REM parts of sleep.

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J Bull J Bull

The Company You Keep

One of the hardest challenges we face is time management, often we find ourselves chasing the clock. At best, we make it to work, get the children squared away then burn the late-night candles to catch up on deadlines, emails, and to-do lists. No matter the person or situation once we allow things to dictate our schedule, they will not ease up (the rat race). It is no wonder with all the obligations and unexpected emergencies, how one’s day is quickly shifted into turbo speed. Leading to high levels of stress that become the precursor

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J Bull J Bull

Growing Pains

When I first started devoting a huge amount of my life toward developing as an athlete, the science behind proper training has yet to flow down from the professional level to preadolescence and adolescence. Through high school, I still believed resistance training stunted your growth; furthermore, the old school mentally were slowly dying off but not fast enough.

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J Bull J Bull


Planning is everything, have goals, write them out, and get the vision boards out. All those steps are important and I've done diligently over and over again. I have more ideas than I can actually account for, many ideas were given away while others have been stolen either way hopefully they did more with them than I've done thus far.

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